Are You Ready to Break out of Food Prison and Step Into Food Freedom?
Learn how to Permanently Transform Your Relationship to Food so you can break out of the Vicious Yo-Yo Dieting Cycle and End Emotional Eating once and for all, with my Food Freedom Guide.

Hi, I'm Melissa...
I know you're here because you are tired of struggling and being stuck in a vicious cycle with food. It has taken over your life, and you are done with feeling disappointed and ashamed. You just want to break free once and for all.
You know that diets don't work long-term and you're tired of the uphill battle. No matter how many times you try to change your habits, self-sabotage wins every time leaving you hopeless.
You've been on this crazy ride long enough to know that what you're doing isn't working, but you're not quite sure how to change it.
You're willing to make change, and spend time on yourself so you can finally break free of the long, exhausting battle with food because what you're doing always leads you back to a dead-end.
Well my friend, you are in the right place and I am thrilled you are here. XO

My relationship to my body has never been better....
Melissa helped me find my happy place, my authentic self; to let go of my fears and worries. She provided tools that both challenged and lifted me and I am able to continue my practices of nurturing myself because of what she taught me. My relationship with my body has never been better! Melissa has helped me heal from many years of self-abuse and I am forever grateful for the rare opportunity to work with her!
Sarah T. | Premium Coaching Client
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I highly recommend bringing Melissa's expertise into your life...
When it comes to food Melissa knows her stuff. For years, she was my go-to for all things nutrition and cooking. Melissa's wealth of knowledge when it comes to knowing what to eat and why we tend to struggle with food, goes way beyond just a traditional meal-plan or diet. If you're looking to break the ho-hum cycle of the same old food conundrum then I highly recommend bringing Melissa Costello's expertise into your life.
Tony Horton | Fitness Expert & Creator of P90x
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Videos to Help You End the Battle with Food
I post weekly videos sharing tools and strategies to help you break out of the vicious cycle with food and your weight. Check out my YouTube Channel.