Apply for a Free Coaching Session with Melissa !
If you are serious about taking a stand for yourself and identifying what has been holding you back from experiencing ease and freedom with food and your weight, then I invite you to apply for an Empowered Eating Coaching Session.
*Note: Empowered Eating Sessions are for you if you are truly ready to learn a new way to experience sustainable weight loss, create an empowered relationship with food and take impeccable care of yourself! This is a transformative experience that will leave you empowered, hopeful and clear about your next steps.

I feel amazing and free from this life-long battle....
I went to the doctor and I'm down 52 lbs. My borderline high blood pressure is gone. I feel amazing and free from this life long battle with food. I did it all without dieting. Thanks again for your guidance and insight into developing a healthy relationship towards food and myself.
Melissa B. | Food Freedom Program Participant