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Welcome Summit Participant !​​​​

Discover How You Can Finally Lose Weight Naturally and Keep it off without Dieting or Deprivation.

Enter your email below to get Melissa’s 3 Keys to Natural Weight Loss Video + Special Bonus

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© 2018 |

What you will learn :

  • Melissa's Top 3 Keys to Lose Weight and keep it off for good without dieting!
  • Why willpower ​is not the answer ​t0 keep you on track with your eating.
  • How restriction and deprivation often leads to overeating, bingeing and weight gain.
  • Why needing to have control over food keeps you stuck in the vicious yo-yo dieting cycle.
  • How to give up the scale and learn to trust your body again.


I'm effortlessly fitting into clothes I never thought I'd wear again...

When I first started working with Melissa, I had no idea how big of an impact she would have on my relationship to food and my life. I have had such a huge improvement and there is so much growth that has happened underneath the food issues that I never anticipated. My life felt scattered and out of control at times. I was a regular binge eater on the weekends. The grounding principals and tools Melissa provided helped me to let go of my fixation on food and my obsessive, negative thoughts about my body. My internal dialogue has shifted and now I trust myself to make choices that feel more natural versus restricting and depriving. I never could have imagined the depth of this work, and it was exactly what I needed to find the freedom I was looking for in my life when it came to my eating and my body. I never thought I would get to this place and I feel incredible. I’m effortlessly fitting into clothes I thought I would never wear again.  I’m listening to my body and feel on top of the world!

Sara P.  |  Attorney at Law

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​About your Host:

Melissa Costello is a Holistic nutritionist, Author, Speaker and Transformational Eating Coach. Her years of work as a private, plant-based chef for celebrity fitness trainer, Tony Horton creator of P90x organically led her to work with her clients on a much deeper level when she recognized the on-going struggles they had with consistent, healthy eating and sustainable weight loss. Her mission is to empower smart, busy professionals to stop the struggle with yo-yo dieting and emotional eating. She utilizes her revolutionary SMART Food System to help her clients experience freedom with food, so they can lose weight, keep it off and feel amazing in their bodies without deprivation or restriction. Melissa’s in-depth training in Counseling Psychology, Clinical Nutrition and holistic coaching along with her own personal journey with eating issues and body-image dysmorphia provides the foundation for her clients to experience powerful breakthroughs and sustainable, profound transformation.